More about RESTORE's

Services & Techniques

Here we also explain the process of deciding which service you need...

How do you know which service or technique you need?

...we tell you!

"You are coming for a health and physical therapy session with me and it’s the ‘me’ that makes it a unique experience. I will select the approach best suited to guide you towards your goals"

As a soft tissue therapist and student osteopath, my job is to place you the patient at the centre of the therapeutic process. 

This means having a conversation with you to hear your concerns and establish our expectations of each other.

Together, we can establish our goals and determine what may or may not be realistically possible for us to achieve and who else we might bring in to assist the process.

Your body is an intelligent, reflexive, symbiotic ecosystem with the innate ability to self-heal if only we can provide the opportunity.

This requires GOOD HEALTH, metabolically as well as mechanically.

"Correction of the bony lesion (issue) is difficult to maintain if the underlying physiology is not addressed at the same time" - Dr John Martin Littlejohn (1865- 1947)

To support this process; I can help to remove roadblocks such as joint limitations where your physiology allows.

I can decipher movement patterns and uncover hardwired compensatory feedback loops that need to be retrained.

I can help your body to self-select a new optimum. I can also advise on other aspects of life that may be contributing to holding you in those habitual patterns that no longer work for you.

With a substantial network of experts to call upon, I will steer you in the right direction. 

...we tell you!

"You are coming for a health and physical therapy session with me and it’s the ‘me’ that makes it a unique experience. I will select the approach best suited to guide you towards your goals"

As a soft tissue therapist and student osteopath, my job is to place you the patient at the centre of the therapeutic process. 

This means having a conversation with you to hear your concerns and establish our expectations of each other. Together, we can establish our goals and determine what may or may not be realistically possible for us to achieve and who else we might bring in to assist the process.

Your body is an intelligent, reflexive, symbiotic ecosystem with the innate ability to self-heal if only we can provide the opportunity. This requires GOOD HEALTH, metabolically as well as mechanically.

"Correction of the bony lesion (issue) is difficult to maintain if the underlying physiology is not addressed at the same time" - Dr John Martin Littlejohn (1865- 1947)

To support this process; I can help to remove roadblocks such as joint limitations where your physiology allows. I can decipher movement patterns and uncover hardwired compensatory feedback loops that need to be retrained. I can help your body to self-select a new optimum. I can also advise on other aspects of life that may be contributing to holding you in those habitual patterns that no longer work for you.

With a substantial network of experts to call upon, I will steer you in the right direction. 

Neurokinetic Therapy

NeuroKinetic Therapy® corrective movement system assesses pain & dysfunctional movement patterns stored in the brain.


The NeuroKinetic Therapy™ corrective movement system protocol employs a system of precise muscle tests to assess the programming of the Motor Control Center (MCC) and the cerebellum. The MCC coordinates all movement patterns in the body. It learns through failure.

A good example is a baby learning to stand. Through many attempts and failures, the baby finally achieves success. But how? The MCC chooses the most successful attempts until standing happens without “thinking” about it. Conversely, after an injury, the MCC adapts to a compensation pattern and holds that in its memory forever unless it is encouraged to re-learn.

Applied Movement Neurology

Understanding movement dysfunction from the perspective of the cerebellum and our most primal reflexes.

By understanding the value of looking at clients as the sum of their parts and not just a bunch of unrelated individual systems, we have learnt how movement can be used to influence your brain and how your brain can be utilised to influence your movement.

Scroll down to explanitory video

This Video Shows the Concept Behind Applied Movement Neurology...

This Video Shows the Concept Behind Applied Movement Neurology...

Anatomy in Motion

A common sense view of human biomechanics from all three dimensions!

The no-nonsense movement therapy as seen on BBC’s Doctor in the house 

Anatomy In Motion or AiM for short, is a movement therapy based on the careful observation and detailed understanding of walking patterns (Gait). Since the human organism is quite literally wired for walking, all musculoskeletal dysfunctions are revealed in gait if you know how to spot the signs.

Walking and movement assessments are a key part of the approach and the treatment. 

AiM see’s human movement from the most important perspective there is. What the nervous system is seeing… or not seeing. It serves as both a diagnostic assessment and therapeutic protocol. Lost movements can be reintroduced and relearned in a manner which is safe, contextual, enjoyable and staggeringly simple. Your body/nervous system does the work for you. Your practitioner serves as a guide and a mirror to the process. 

As fully-fledged proponents of this philosophy, we look forward to helping you decipher your compensations and take the first steps towards healthier movement. 

Soft Tissue Therapy

The classical treatment that everyone loves and its more comprehensive counterpart.

We work independently to assess, treat and offer rehabilitation advice for people suffering a wide range of minor and chronic injuries caused by any lifestyle factor. As well as treating the injury we aim to identify the underlying causes and offer more long-term improvements in physical wellbeing. At RESTORE this encompasses a range of assessment methods and treatment techniques. 


A quick simple method to get you through your event when pushed for time or an active rehabilitative tool…

At RESTORE we use kinesiotape for two primary reasons:

  • Fluid management in the case of injury or chronic swelling
  • Proprioceptive feedback to aid movement retraining – used as an adjunct to our main therapy. 

Many of our treatment modalities are concerned with getting to the underlying causes of pain or chronic injury – faulty motor programs in the brain. We use kinesiotape to reinforce or continue to provide a specific stimulus after the treatment has concluded to help cement these measurable changes. More often than not kinesiotape works as a sensory tool in the RESTORE clinic.

Acupuncture for Sports Injuries

A no nonsense use of needling specifically for reflexive relief of muscle hypertonicity.

At RESTORE needles are used when appropriate and deemed likely to provide the greatest benefit.

Our work with acupuncture is entirely based on constant reassessment of your movements, pain and muscular responses to challenges. For us, it's all about altering sensory feedback to the brain and reflex response. Please be aware that although we are not trained as acupuncturists, we have been trained specifically in an area of acupuncture focused on sports injury. Our acupuncture is used as an adjunct to our musculoskeletal therapies and does not comprise our primary approach. We do however have excellent acupuncturists on our referral team to whom we can refer when needed. 

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